What is bloodspot testing and how is it performed
Read here all about bloodspot testing. How we do test your bloodspot sample, what kind of technologie we use and what to expect of your results.
Bloodspot Testing
At Uphill Test Center, we have partnered up with Global Testing Labs to test for allergies (IgE) and sensitivities (IgG4) using a CE marked in-vitro testing system. Supplying you with a lancet, blood is drawn and exposed in vitro to a panel of foods and non-food items. To a degree, a total immunoglobin G (IgG) antibody is then bonded to each food and is quantified via enzyme or fluorescence-linked immunosorbent assays.
Allergy Test blood tests through Global Testing Labs test for IgG4 and this binding is measured against total IgG. The results of your food sensitivity testing is then reported to you via email and you can see what foods you are intolerant to.
As a result of food sensitivity testing, the complexes will get larger. This means that your larger complexes are able to activate the complement cascade, which in turn initiates inflammatory responses in the body, and thus they are detectable through blood testing.
The inflammatory response to a food is the main cause of intolerance symptoms, in this type of food reactions which result from food intolerances. These complexes can also then be deposed in tissue or organs, leading to damage, which can cause uncomfortable and nuisance symptoms to an individual.
From here, a sequence of events means that individuals develop a food adverse reactions to foods, which they consume on a regular basis. This is when an intolerance is developed and through our blood analysis, we are able to identify whether or not you have a food intolerance.
Showing themselves to be more adhesive, IgG1 antibodies can be bonded to any antigens. This increases the possibility of cross-reactivity and therefore, there is a lesser number of false-positive results within our blood testing. This means that testing both IgG1 and IgG4 leads to many unnecessary food eliminations.
As an antibody, the IgG4 antibody is a more clinically applicable marker of chronic food-immune reactions and of possible intestinal hyper-permeability. Between IgG1 and IgG4 measurements are less likely to produce false-positives on in-vitro tests. Similarly, when measuring all ranges of IgG, or total IgG, and it is more likely that these all produces a high rate of false-positive reactions.
Testing IgG4 levels and IgE antibodies. What are the facts?
Why do we test for IgG4 using blood in our Intolerance test
IgG1 and IgG4 – What is the process?
Testing for IgG4 over IgG1 or total IgG is a massive advantage for Allergy Test. Testing for IgG4 leads to a reduced number of false-positives, allowing us to deliver much more experienced and targeted results. Out of the four subclasses of IgG, the most commonly tested are IgG1 and IgG4. These are produced in response to food antigens which means we can identify their intolerances a lot easier. As IgG1 antibodies are first responders, we can reach new food antigens by joining the antigens and forming complexes. From there, these complexes are quickly destroyed by immune system cells which are called macrophages. These IgG1 antibodies can then additionally activate further immune reactions, and as such, they complement cascade and inflammation.
What is an IgG4 Antigen Complex?
Many people are not aware that intolerances can be developed and caused by overindulgence on a certain item. If the body is continuously exposed to a certain item or antigen, then this could lead to a class switch from IgG1 to IgG4 antibody production.
So, what happens?
These IgG4 antigen complexes do not then activate the complement cascade.
Why does this happen?
Because complexes of IgG4 and food antigens are very stable, and alterations in any sort of structure can lead to new antigen forms. When identifying which items you have an intolerance to, it is important that you understand why your body reacts to the item this way. Measuring your IgG4 levels means you can either rule out or confirm an intolerance as the cause of your symptoms. Order your elite blood test today. Take a look below at how IgG1 can produce an IgG4-antigen-complex, which in turn creates a whole new cycle, going something like this:
IgG1 (class switch) → IgG4 → IgG4-antigen-complex → modification → IgG1 → IgG4
Why is IgG4 the marker of Chronic Food-Immune Reactions?
IgG4 is the marker of Chronic Food-Immune reactions and as a result of this, the complexes will only get larger. From here, these larger complexes are able to activate the complement cascade, and will therefore initiate inflammatory responses within the body. Blood Intolerance testing allows us to detect these complexes. An inflammatory response to a food is the main cause of many symptoms. If you have a food intolerance then this will be the main cause of any symptoms which you may experience. From here, these complexes can also be deposed in tissues or organs, and this leads to plenty of damage, causing the most uncomfortable and nuisance symptoms to an individual. This sequence of events is thought to be the most common way in which individuals develop an adverse reaction to foods, and this is something that they consume on a regular basis. IgG1 antibodies show themselves to be more adhesive and readily bind to any antigens which may come their way. This then raises the prospect of cross-reactivity, meaning there is a number of false-positive results in testing.
Why is testing IgG4 levels an advantage for us?
Testing both IgG1 and IgG4 can sometimes lead to many unnecessary food eliminations. Presenting itself as an antibody, it is a more clinically applicable marker of chronic food-immune reactions. This also includes possible intestinal hyperpermeability. So, compared against each other, between IgG1 and IgG4, IgG4 measurements are less likely to produce false-positives on in-vitro tests. When measuring all ranges of IgG, or total IgG, it is more likely that these antibodies will result in a higher rate of false-positive reactions.
What is an allergy?
An allergy is a type I hypersensitivity. This means that if an individual is exposed to an allergen then it results in the production of immunoglobin E (IgE antibodies), and the release of histamine and symptoms. It is an immediate response known as an IgE-mediated immune response with symptoms occurring almost straight away. That is one of the major differences between an allergy and an intolerance: the time it takes for a reaction and the symptoms to occur. Allergic reactions can occur almost immediately whereas an intolerance reaction can sometimes present itself up to 72 hours later.
How do you spot an allergy?
Allergens themselves are usually quite easy to identify due to the quick nature of which the reaction occurs. A food diary and allergy test can help in this regard. but this does depend on the severity of reaction as well as other factors, including hydration, the time of year and sometimes even the processing of the food, especially with regard to the amount.
Allergies can be life-threatening
Many people who suffer from an allergy know that an allergic response to a food or a non-food item. This has the potential to be life-threatening in certain individuals. In the case of severe allergies, even the tiniest traces of an allergen can have an effect on the individual. This is particularly important to know in regard to peanuts, as peanuts are used in all sorts of cooking oils and ingredients, and are one of the most common allergies for people to suffer from.
Ingredients, Oils and Different Allergies
Depending on what type of item is ingested, different symptoms will present themselves differently. Symptoms of an allergy can present themselves differently, including skin rashes, hives, vomiting and swelling of the mouth, throat, and tongue. An individual who has multiple allergies may also have different symptoms to different items. Remember, allergies can often be hereditary, and so if someone in your family has an allergy, you should definitely learn whether or not you have an allergy.
What to do if you are experiencing these symptoms?
If you are experiencing any of the listed symptoms of an allergy, then you should immediately order a test and also consult a Doctor. It is incredibly important that you know what to do, as an allergic reaction has the potential to be life-threatening. If diagnosed with a food allergy, you must do your best to consistently avoid these items. In particular, if you have severe allergies or asthma, then education and learning can help you to avoid a life-threatening situation.
We will also give guidance on how your individual food intolerances or allergy can be reduced or even eliminated completely.
Discover your trigger items and order your test

The product images are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the final digital product
$ 299.00
ELISA Testtechnologie
110 Allergies- Intolerances
Test IgE-
and IgG4-antibodies
Support Package:
Qualified Nutritionist Referrel
Free exclusive 19 page guide
6 week Food Diary
24hr (mon-fri) live chat
7-10 Day Lab Processing
Plus 48hr upgrade option
100% money back quarantee
What our clients say about us
Hope for others
I work as a gastrointestinal nurse in a procedure room. We scope patients with a multitude of unexplained symptoms. I can now offer hope to them and share the experience I have had. For me the food intolerance test give the complete solution
Great help
I wanted an food intolerance and allergy test where I didn’t need to send in blood, and this one uses hair. The results came quickly and have really been a great help.
Pleased with the results of the food intolerance- allergy test
My husband & I did the food intolerance and allergy test. Everything went great. I was very pleased with my results. I would just keep in mind after you mail in your hair sample it takes about 1 weeks to get to the lab.
We take great care to help you on an individual, personal level.
Here’s how it works:
When you purchase your test, you will receive a short survey. By completing your personal survey, you give us the keys to help discover your best path to feeling good.
How To Order And What To Expect
Choose the single, couple or family hair analysis or blood spot test. Order your test securely through our online shop.
Receive your Easy-To-Use At Home in a simple link
After your purchase, we will send either a testkit for bloodspot testing or an easy-to-use link for hair analysis testing. You click on the link, fill in the form and send it together with a hair sample to our laboratory. The testkit for the bloodspot test contains comprehensive and easy to follow instructions
Get Your Results
You will get a complete and accurate report of your results by email in as fast as 7-10 business days after we have received your samples. You’ll also get personalized, exclusive guides that are designed to help you to lessen, or even eliminate, your symptoms.
Personal Advice
Regarding the outcome of your results we will give you actionable, valuable tips and advice from our nutritionists (which followed a comprehensive study to be certified nutritionist) on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle All this on a per-person basis, as no single human or case is the same. We are here to help you.
The Most Complete and Accurate Food Intolerance Test. Receive an extensive report on the food and non-food products that can give you stomach issues, bloated feelings or make you feel sick and tired. You can check out the items we test by clicking here.
Blood- or Hair Testing
We now offer you the most comprehensive bloodspot- or hair test where your samples are tested against common substances, along with a whopping 800 items.
Best Value Available
Not only do you get the best price for your investment in your health, but you also get the most accurate and complete results by testing blood or hair samples.
Fast Accurate Results
Your personal and detailed results in 7 to 10 business days in your mailbox after we have received your samples at our labs.
Comprehensive Report
Get your easy to follow report through email that exposes any allergens or toxic substances. You also get nutritional expertise to get you back on track.
Professional, Personal Care
Effectively reduce or even eliminate your symptoms with personal guidance and get expert assistance to help you achieve your individual results.
100% Money-Back Guarantee
No questions asked, risk-free, 100% Guarantee! If you’re not satisfied for any reason, we give you your money back. It’s that simple.
The Most Advanced Equipment
Testing is carried out with cutting-edge technology, using one of the most advanced Certified Class 11 Medical scanners accredited devices according to ISO EN 13485 available in the world today. The hair sample is placed into the equipment – each item is tested line by line against the recorded resonances of all 800+ items.
Our laboratory assistants set the equipment to record any items showing a difference in frequency of 85% or above.
The same equipment is used in the Russian space project and by more than 7000 practitioners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This exact testing equipment is used by both Olympic and professional sports teams.
If you believe you have a medical condition or you are seriously ill, you need to discuss with your general practitioner (GP). However, a growing number of people are discovering the benefits of bio-resonance therapy.
Hair analysis is approved worldwide including the FDA and is now seen as a serious alternative to blood testing.
We use ELISA testing technology for testing your blood samples. Both IgE and IgC4 are tested
By testing both IgE and IgG4 antibodies we give you a more comprehensive picture of possible causes to symptoms. Raised IgE levels (IgE, short for “immunoglobulin E,” is the antibody that triggers food allergy symptoms) indicate allergy symptoms. Raised IgG4 (Immunoglobulin G) antibodies indicate a food intolerance or sensitivity. IgG4 responses are actually more common than the IgE, which causes an immediate reaction.
Food intolerance/sensitivity reactions are more difficult to notice since they can occur hours or even days after consumption of an offending food.
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Hair tests (Bioresonance Therapy) is categorised as Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) covering therapies that fall outside mainstream medicine. Conventional medicine does not currently recognise Bioresonance as it has not been subject to significant scientific research. Bioresonance reports and related information do not make a medical diagnosis nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition and/or medical symptoms. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. All probable or possible information provided in reports or on this website need to be discussed and confirmed with a nutritional therapist or qualified medical practitioner.
All probable or possible diagnoses generated by the test or this website need to be discussed and confirmed with a qualified medical practitioner. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or the emergency services immediately. Reliance on any information provided by this Website is solely at your own risk. Some of the content on this Website may be provided by third parties and we are not in a position to verify this content. We do not warrant that any such third party content is true, accurate or complete. Our test does not measure type IgE allergies or IgG antibodies. Since these reactions can be serious, you should seek the help of an allergy specialist.
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